vectorquick vector conversion company

A Blog About Vectorizing Images

Display an Image via Scalable Vector Graphics Inline Code

A vector image is comprised of formulas which define individual shapes' characteristics. The outer shape of an object; the color contained within the shape's border; the outline thickness and color of the shape; where the shape exists in relation to other shapes. The text data which comprises that image can be directly used to display the image in a web browser without even needing to access the SVG document itself.

Simply open the SVG image in any basic text composing application, and what appears is essentially an html program (xml, to be precise). Copy and paste this grouping of code into an html document, then open this document in any web browser.

The very basic flag shown with this text is not an embedded image file; rather, it is displayed because the following code exists within the html page which you are viewing:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 24.1.2, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0) --> <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 31 20" style="enable-background:new 0 0 31 20;" xml:space="preserve"> <style type="text/css"> .st0{fill:#ED1C24;} .st1{fill:#FFFFFF;} .st2{fill:#2E3175;} </style> <rect x="0" y="0" class="st0" width="30.9" height="2.2"/> <rect x="0" y="2.2" class="st1" width="30.9" height="2.2"/> <rect x="0" y="4.4" class="st0" width="30.9" height="2.2"/> <rect x="0" y="6.6" class="st1" width="30.9" height="2.2"/> <rect x="0" y="8.8" class="st0" width="30.9" height="2.2"/> <rect x="0" y="11.1" class="st1" width="30.9" height="2.2"/> <rect x="0" y="13.3" class="st0" width="30.9" height="2.2"/> <rect x="0" y="15.5" class="st1" width="30.9" height="2.2"/> <rect x="0" y="17.7" class="st0" width="30.9" height="2.2"/> <rect x="0" y="0" class="st2" width="12.5" height="11.1"/> </svg>

The more complex the image, the longer the xml program becomes. The benefit of using the program, rather than embedding the actual SVG document image, is that it takes much less time for a web browser to display the image.

How the Vectorizing Business has Changed Over the Years

Virtually anyone who owns a computer now has the ability to create their own graphics, so one would think that getting printed material produced would be much easier for those unrelated to the printing industry. This is hardly the case, since most standard bundled graphics software is raster-based, rather than vector. Even new graduates of design schools seem to have a penchant for creating graphics in raster format. Vector Quick servers as the intermediary; we're the necessary step between the rough draft concept and the fresh-off-the-press t-shirt, business card, or real estate brochure. The precisely vectorized graphics we provide ensure sharp text, shapes and colors in our customers' produced piece. Converting images to vector is what we do, and have done, for over twenty-five years. We redraw in vector format faster, more accurately, and less expensive than our competitors...guaranteed.

Vector graphics for the web - SVG is here to stay.

It's easy to predict that scalable vector files will become the premier choice for document viewing on the internet. These vector-based images can be searched and indexed by major search engines, they are scalable, they can be printed and zoomed with high quality at any resolution. SVG vector-based documents are here to stay and businesses should be confident in the use of these images for marketing media. Vector Quick can convert to vector SVG format any raster image file extension.

Why do successful marketing teams use vector graphics?

Vector images, which are scalable to match any resolution without losing quality, are invaluable to most marketing campaigns. If you've used raster images in the past, following are reasons for utilizing vector images into your marketing game plan:


The most appreciable advantage of vector graphics is the ability to resize them. There is image degradation when you reformat and resize these files. The integrity of your marketing visuals remains intact.


Because they retain their integrity, vector images can be repurposed across multiple marketing campaigns. On a website, in a promo video, in corporate stationary; the file will fit perfectly more often than not.


In addition to being sleek, the no-clutter straightforward nature of vectors inherently makes them hip and modern. In the current visual marketing landscape, less is more. Customers respond to images that are focused and aim to grab their attention without distraction.


Vector images load faster compared to traditional raster images. Your website loads much faster and boosts your SEO. Vector image file size is typically small, thus band usage is diminished.


Graphics can be converted to vector for very little cost. Considering how reusable vector images are, the return on investment for having them converted is a huge plus. Vector images can be used for banners, t-shirts, stationary; you can get the most out of your purchase by using one graphic in several media.

Why do we use Adobe software?

Adobe's commitment to revolutionizing how the world engages with ideas and information is as strong today as it was when the company was founded in 1982. Over the years, Adobe has helped redefine industries with technologies and products such as:

  • PostScript and PDF for the print industry
  • Dreamweaver and Flash for the web
  • Adobe Premiere and After Effects for film and TV
  • LiveCycle and Flex for the enterprise
  • Adobe AIR for extending rich Internet applications to the desktop
  • Award-winning software like Photoshop and Acrobat that spans all industries, serving customers of every size

What are vector graphics?

Vector art is ideal for printing since the art is made from a series of mathematical curves, it will print very crisply even when resized. For instance, one can print a vector logo on a small sheet of copy paper, and then enlarge the same vector logo to billboard size and keep the same crisp quality. A low-resolution raster graphic would blur or pixelate excessively if it were enlarged from business card size to billboard size. (The precise resolution of a raster graphic necessary for high-quality results depends on the viewing distance; e.g., a billboard may still appear to be of high quality even at low resolution if the viewing distance is great enough.)

If we regard typographic characters as images, then the same considerations that we have made for graphics apply even to composition of written text for printing (typesetting). Older character sets were stored as bitmaps. Therefore, to achieve maximum print quality they had to be used at a given resolution only; these font formats are said to be non-scalable. High quality typography is nowadays based on character drawings (fonts) which are typically stored as vector graphics, and as such are scalable to any size. Examples of these vector formats for characters are Postscript fonts and TrueType fonts.